Feminine Affirmations
These feminine affirmations I created with out any
hidden messages
subliminal nor supra-liminals
back masking
These Statements are in these three forms for the most effective results:
I statements
You statements
Natural statements
For more, see my book the Three Levels of Femininity ♡
Included is an Affirmations eBook
Total pages: 24
These feminine affirmations I created with out any
hidden messages
subliminal nor supra-liminals
back masking
These Statements are in these three forms for the most effective results:
I statements
You statements
Natural statements
For more, see my book the Three Levels of Femininity ♡
Included is an Affirmations eBook
Total pages: 24
These feminine affirmations I created with out any
hidden messages
subliminal nor supra-liminals
back masking
These Statements are in these three forms for the most effective results:
I statements
You statements
Natural statements
For more, see my book the Three Levels of Femininity ♡
Included is an Affirmations eBook
Total pages: 24
Listen to this video to understand how these affirmations work and how to get the best out of them:
Feminine Affirmations: https://youtu.be/RWPUdSTB8m8